
Dr. Michael Sedler

Dr. Michael Sedler has presented seminars and classes throughout the United States and Canada. Dr. Sedler has worked as an administrator, behavior specialist, teacher, social worker and consultant for government agencies. In addition, he is an ordained minister and has worked as an adjunct professor for three different universities.

Dr. Sedler’s 40 years of educational experience combined with business experience increases his knowledge-base for workshops. He has presented in schools, hospitals, churches, residential settings and for businesses in the public and private sector. He has authored two books, What To Do When Words Get Ugly and When to Speak Up and When to Shut Up, both by Baker Books.

Dr. Sedler’s practical approach and personal examples allow him to facilitate small and large groups. Michael uses a combination of practical experience, theory and humor. You will find his presentations to be informative, useful and enjoyable.


Educational Background:

  • Master of Social Work Degree (1981)
  • Master of Theology and Divinity Degree (1995)
  • Doctor of Ministry Degree (1997)

References are available upon request.