
Michael Sedler offers college courses through The Heritage Institute with credits being granted by Antioch University (Seattle, WA) which is fully accredited and allows students to earn credits on a correspondence basis. These courses are particularly geared toward all educators (teachers, support staff, administrators) who are interested in increasing their knowledge base or gaining credits toward their certification or salary increments.

Dr. Sedler also offers on site classes throughout the country. If you are interested in setting up a class (with credits offered) for your area, please contact him. Dr. Sedler’s courses are extremely popular and practical for all students.

Email to get a list of classes offered near you.


Guided Independent Study Classes

To obtain a manual, register for the selected class and then click the “MANUAL” button next to the class. Then, click on the highlighted red lettering for the selected class. The download is free. This is the manual for the specific class you have chosen.

ALL emails should go to or

Each student has six months to complete the coursework. You may register for classes at anytime.

The courses are offered as quarter credits–3 quarter credits is equivalent to 2 semester credits. The following are his course titles:

THREE CREDIT CLASSES (2 semester credits):

COST: $280 for 400 and 500 Level classes. Clock hours available for $195 (30 hours).

1. Increasing Motivation and Self-Esteem in Students (SS401p) MANUAL

2. Parents: Adversary or Ally -A Cooperative Approach (SS401q) MANUAL

3. Social Skills: A Foundation For Learning (SS401v) MANUAL

4. Understanding and Connecting With Aggressive Students (ED404d) MANUAL

FIVE CREDIT CLASSES (3.3 semester credits):

COST: $415 for 400 and 500 Level classes. Clock hours available for $315 (50 hours).

1. Bullying Behaviors (ED437q) MANUAL

2. Counseling Skills For Educators (ED409r) MANUAL

3. High Maintenance Behaviors and Interactions (SS409f) MANUAL

4. Mental Health Issues and Students (HE402n) MANUAL

5. Nurturing Compassion Within Our Schools (ED434y) MANUAL

6. Organizational Teaching Skills (ED429w) MANUAL

7. Stress Reduction in Staff and Students (HE401m) MANUAL

8. Student, Classroom, and Whole-School Discipline (ED419g) MANUAL

9. Youth Suicide (SS404u) MANUAL

SIX CREDIT CLASSES (4 semester credits):

COST: $495 for 400 and 500 Level classes. Clock hours available for $380 (60 hours).

1. Autism: Questions and Answers (ED445y) MANUAL

2. Establishing Rules and Boundaries (ED445x) MANUAL

3. Inspirational Education (ED452f) MANUAL

4. The Impact of Trauma and Loss in Students (ED464z) MANUAL

5. Why Children Act Out (ED448t) MANUAL

TO REGISTER: Go to or call The Heritage Institute at 360-341-3020 (credit card, purchase orders, or checks are accepted)


About Continuing Education Credits
The Heritage Institute courses receive continuing education quarter credits awarded by Antioch University Seattle at the 400 and 500 levels. Call 360-341-3020 or go to for more information.