When to Speak Up and When to Shut Up

When to Speak Up and When to Shut Upby Dr. Michael D. Sedler
Published by Chosen Books (a division of Baker Book House Company), 2003/Reprinted in 2006

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Dr. Sedler’s book, “When to Speak and When to Shut Up” will help the reader to increase his or her effectiveness in daily conversations. Over 400,000 copies have been sold and it is currently translated into Korean, Portuguese, and Vietnamese (with several other languages in process).


Chapter 1 – Never Again
The book begins with a story from the author’s life that illustrates the importance of sharing your beliefs and perspectives.

Chapter 2 – When Silence Isn’t Golden
When we should speak up and why we don’t. A study of Adam and Eve illustrates this point.

Chapter 3 – A Kingly Voice
David’s confrontation with Goliath is used to examine Godly attributes in our lives that help us ask questions and avoid power struggles.

Chapter 4 – Communication Breakdown
What happens when we feel their is no process of communication with our authorities? This chapter helps each person understand the importance of speaking forth in a Godly manner.

Chapter 5 – A Question of Authority
The author distinguishes between “questioning” and “asking questions.” Guidelines to help us approach our authorities in a biblical manner are addressed.

Chapter 6 – The Code of Silence
Understanding the cycle of rationalization that lead to poor communication patterns in our lives.

Chapter 7 – The Purpose of Silence
Understanding that silence may be from God is critical. However, there are many factors that create a “need” in us to speak out when we shouldn’t. Knowing God’s voice and His direction is addressed.

Chapter 8 – Walking in Peace
Avoiding the anger trap and allowing God’s perfect peace to overwhelm us is presented.

Chapter 9 – Taking a Stand
We must be bold in expressing our opinions when God directs us. But how do we do this without creating barriers? Approaching others in a biblical manner and making a Godly appeal are discussed.

Chapter 10 – Winning the Race
An inspiring chapter of people who have chosen to be a voice against tyranny, prejudice and sin. When one completes this chapter they feel ready to hear God’s purpose for their lives.